Exam prep guide MB-210: Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for SalesJensKofod

So there is a new bunch of Dynamics 365 certification out and it is, therefore, time either take the opportunity to learn or to prove that you know, the latest Dynamics 365 stuff. As always old certification will be deprecated and new will take their place …so… ready, set, go.

In this blog post, I will share my secret prep guide of passing certification MB-210: Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales.

Newbie to Dynamics 365 Sales certification?

If you are new to Microsoft Dynamics 365 certification exams I recommend you to go through the official Microsoft course content for this certification as it would give you a decent foundation to have a chance to pass. When taking the exam use these Strategies to read Certification Questions.

RWvtgU?ver=6624Official MB-210 Certification Self-Paced training (OpenEdX)

But certification is not passed with just reading the theory but you need to actually get into the system, use it and understand the process and data relationships from the perspective of a sales user as some certification questions are quite “where to click incorrect order” questions. For this, I recommend spinning up a free 30 days Dynamics 365 trial to have a Dynamics 365 to mess up going through some of the things found in the below user training.

working with dynamics 365 for salesUser training Working with Dynamics 365 for Sales (Microsoft Learn)

The Shorter prep fore us with Dynamics 365 practical experience

Having passed Dynamics certification the last 10+ years I found the most effective step to prep is always to list and look into the specific Skills measured and find relevant information for those topics only to keep my prep as lean, clean, and quick. I focus on reading up on the added and changed skills measured and only skim the skills measured that have not changed since last time.

Relevant information on Skills Measured

First I look through the official Microsoft documentation that is getting better and better at Docs.Microsoft.Com.

Second I find information in the trusted Neil Parkhurst NEIL_PARKHURST_75x75 always good blogpost on Dynamics certification prep.

Lastly, I look at the new Microsoft Learn portal.

I have done all the “hard work” and below you find the relevant links for prep on MB-210 in a lean, clean and quick fashion.

Note when reading Docs.Microsoft.com documentation take special care of reading and remembering the purple “Note” and baby blue “Important” section as information here have a high likelihood of being in the certification questions.


Skills measured in MB-210

Perform configuration (40-45%)

Configure sales settings

Configure sales territories

Configure default revenue type

Configure auto number settings

Configure business closures

Configure fiscal year

Configure currencies

Configure sales team roles

Configure sales security roles

Configure goal management components

Create and manage sales collateral

Configure relationship cards

Configure record creation rules

Configure out of the box sales business process flows

Configure sales content pack for Power BI

Configure sales dashboards

Design and create sales charts

Execute and analyze sales reports

Configure integration with external sales applications

Implement Sales Insights

Implement social selling assistant

Implement LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Manage core sales entities (20-25%)

Create and manage leads

Create and manage opportunities

Manage sales entities (35-40%)

Manage sales

Create and manage quotes

Create and manage sales order processing

Create and manage product and product catalog


Source of inspiration

Neil Parkhurst NEIL_PARKHURST_75x75 for always good blogpost on Dynamics certification prep.

Henry Jammes henryjammes_75x75 for blogpost on official certification training info.

My self Jens Kofod JensKofod_75x75for bringing it all together with relevant links.

7 thoughts on “Exam prep guide MB-210: Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales

  1. Great post. Helped me study and pass the MB-210 Dynamics 365 for Sales exam!

  2. Excellent post! I have been trawling the internet for days for training guides etc and this has given me a great place to start! Thank you.

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