Exam prep guide MB-220: Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing

JensKofodSo there is a new bunch of Dynamics 365 certification out and it is, therefore, time either take the opportunity to learn or to prove that you know, the latest Dynamics 365 stuff. As always old certification will be deprecated and new will take their place …so… ready, set, go.

In this blog post, I will share my secret prep guide of passing certification MB-220: Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing.

Newbie to Dynamics 365 certification?

If you are new to Microsoft Dynamics 365 certification exams, I recommend you to go through the official Microsoft course content for this certification as it would give you a decent foundation to have a chance to pass. When taking the exam use these Strategies to read Certification Questions.

working with dynamics 365 for sales Microsoft Learn

But certification is not passed with just reading the theory, but you need to actually get into the system, use it and understand the process and data relationships from the perspective of a sales user as some certification questions are quite “where to click incorrect order” questions. For this, I recommend spinning up a free 30 days Dynamics 365 trial to have a Dynamics 365 for Marketing to mess up going through some of the things found in the below user training.

The Shorter prep fore us with Dynamics 365 practical experience

Having passed Dynamics certification the last 10+ years, I found the most effective step to prep is always to list and look into the specific Skills measured and find relevant information for those topics only to keep my prep as lean, clean and quick. I focus reading up on the added and changed skills measured and only skim the skills measured that have not changed since last time.


Relevant information on Skills Measured

First, I look through the official Microsoft documentation that is getting better and better at Docs.Microsoft.Com.

I have done all the “hard work” and below you find the relevant links for prep on MB-220 in a lean, clean and quick fashion.

Note when reading Docs.Microsoft.com documentation take special care of reading and remembering the purple “Note” and baby blue “Important” section as information here have a high likelihood of being in the certification questions.

Skills measured in MB-220

Configure marketing applications (5-10%)

Configure marketing settings
verify organization and business management settings
define default matching strategies
configure quota limits
configure event settings
configure Customer Insights synchronization
manage keywords for images for an organization
create templates
configure the privacy banner
configure settings for landing pages
configure data protection tools
configure Campaign & Materials Approval Workflow
configure Marketing Business Units

Must read doc:





Manage segments and lists (10-15%)

Create and manage segments
determine segment type
create market segments
configure dynamic segments using Designer, Flow, or Query
combine segments using union, exclude, or intersect logic
Create and manage subscription centers and lists
determine usage scenarios for subscription lists
create a subscription list
add a subscription list or lists to a form
create a segment based on a subscription list
create and manage Subscription Center

Most read docs:




Create and manage forms and pages (10-15%)

Create marketing forms
determine which marketing form type to use
determine form requirements and limitations
create a marketing form using a template
enable prefilling for forms
embed a form on an external website
create new fields to add to marketing forms
Create and manage marketing pages
determine which marketing page type to use
create a marketing page using a template
add form blocks to marketing pages
customize a marketing page
create and use dynamic test links
implement dedicated marketing page blocks
preview and validate marketing pages
publish a marketing page
configure Personalized Landing Pages

Most read docs:






Manage leads (10-15%)

Create and manage leads
create leads manually or automatically
synchronize leads from LinkedIn by using the LinkedIn connector
create and manage leads and lead segments through parent contacts/accounts
create and manage leads through social content
Create and assess sales readiness
create and manage Lead Scoring Models
create explicit and implicit scoring conditions
create compound conditions
set up condition models
configure thresholds

Most read docs:




Create and manage marketing emails (10-15%)

Create email messages
create an email message
define mandatory fields
add dynamic content to email messages
integrate marketing pages with marketing emails
create A/B Emails
send messages through send now
Publish and manage email messages
preview and test dynamic messages
validate and publish messages
edit Go live emails

Most read docs:





Manage customer journeys (15-20%)

Create customer journeys
determine template types
implement content types
set up a customer journey
implement activity and launch workflow options
implement targets
implement flow control for customer journeys
Publish and manage customer journeys
validate and publish a customer journey
edit live customer journeys

Most read docs:



Manage events and webinars (10-15%)

Create and manage events
create an event team
set up agendas, including internal and external tracks
manage speakers, registration, waitlists, and attendees
manage vendors, logistics, and accommodations
Manage Event Forms
Create and manage webinars
determine webinar types
configure webinar options

Most read docs:




https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/dynamics365/customer-engagement/marketing/eventssettings https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/dynamics365/customer-engagement/marketing/set-up-webinar


Configure and analyze customer responses (10-15%)

Create and manage Forms Pro surveys and responses
identify survey question types
determine respondent types
configure response routing
preview and test surveys
publish surveys for customer journeys
implement workflow conditional logic for survey actions
Manage Customer Insights
determine report types
analyze contact insights
analyze lead insights
analyze segment insights
analyze customer journey insights
analyze email insights
analyze lead scoring model insights
analyze marketing page insights
analyze marketing form insights
analyze website insights
analyze redirect URL insights
gather and summarize survey results
analyze contacts’ responses in Excel

Most read docs:



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